Candlelight Ranch, 6408 Muleshoe Bend Trail, Marble Falls, will host their monthly Military Family Day from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. July 29. Activities will include: zip lining, equine therapy, hiking, fishing, and challenge courses. These events are open and free to any and all military families with children, with any and all abilities, including: veterans and active-duty. All Military Family Days this spring are currently full, but those interested in attending can continue to follow the Sign-Up Genius page to look for cancellation openings. To those families signed up: please be sure to remove the reservation from Sign Up Genius if no longer able to attend. To check for available space or to cancel an existing reservation, visit https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/30e0e48aaa629ab9-military/4365745.
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